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The Ideal Initial Mix

Composting 101, Horse Manure Composting
It goes without saying that collecting the horses' manure is critical to maintaining the horses' health and managing odors (ammonia) and files around the farm. The ideal "initial mix" for horse manure composting has a ...
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Compost Appearance & Quality

Frequently Asked Questions, Composting 101
"Why is our compost not very uniform, not very black, and still contains large sawdust particles? We mostly use wood pellet bedding." STALL BEDDING: It is good that you are using wood pellet bedding because you general...
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Frequently Asked Questions, Composting 101
Aerated Static Pile (ASP) Composting uses an electric blower to induce intermittent airflow into the compost pile, thereby eliminating the need to turn the pile. With ASP Composting, we are able to maintain aerobic ...
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Pile Temperatures

Frequently Asked Questions, Composting 101
"What am I looking for when I take my compost pile temperatures?" Our primary goal is for your compost to reach and exceed 131°F for at least three days. This is referred to as a "Process to Further Reduce Pathog...
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Green Mountain Compost

Client Success Stories, Composting 101
We previously discussed the "KISS" Principle for small scale compost systems. This principle also applies to larger municipal scale compost facilities, as exemplified by Green Mountain Compost in Williston, Vermont. Th...
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The "KISS" Principle

Composting 101
With smaller O2Compost systems, like the one shown below, it is relatively easy to follow the "KISS" principle (Keep it Simple & Systematic). Using a horse farm as an example, you would typically do the following: ...
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Compost Mix Parameters

Client Success Stories, Composting 101
In 2010, I met Mr. Tom Moreau at the US Composting Council Conference in Austin, Texas. At that time, Tom* was the Director of Chittenden County’s Green Mountain Compost facility in Vermont and after attending my a...
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Learning by Doing

Composting 101
I’ve been an “Organics Engineer” for over 33 years and when it comes to composting, I’m pretty much at the learning stage where “I don’t know what I know”.  As we approached...
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Manure Math

Composting 101
Designing an Appropriately-Sized O2Compost System The first step in designing a new O2Compost System is to estimate the volume of manure and stall bedding that is generated on roughly a monthly basis. A recent client r...
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