Extended ASP


The Extended ASP (EASP) Method of composting is the same as ASP Composting, except that new compost cells are constructed directly on the flank of the preceding compost pile.  The EASP System is ideally suited for facilities that manage very large volumes of livestock manure, yard debris, food waste and other challenging feedstock materials.

In most cases, the aeration system consists of pipe-on-grade to maximize the flexibility of the working area.  Trenches can also be used where the limits of the composting area are clearly defined.  The maximum pile height is 12 feet, and width 75 feet.  The pile length is divided into a series of independent aeration zones and is determined by the size of the compost facility.

As compared to the turned windrow compost method, an EASP Compost System can easily quadruple the volume of material that is composted on a given footprint, resulting in the most efficient approach to managing very large volumes of material.  By conjoining piles, the surface area to volume ratio of the compost pile is radically reduced, thereby minimizing exposure to the elements and reducing the production of compost leachate. 

By using a compost cover over the raw mix of materials, VOC emissions can be reduced by as much as 98%, when compared to a turned windrow compost system.  For more information on this, view the VOC Emissions Report.

Visit our Past Projects page to see examples of completed Extended ASP compost systems.