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Turned Windrows vs. ASP

Frequently Asked Questions

Turning windrows is a time consuming process requiring labor, equipment, and fuel. With the turned windrow method, piles return to an anaerobic condition well within an hour. When the piles are turned, odors can be very strong and offensive to the operator and neighbors. This is particularly true when working with offal and paunch waste.

To meet temperature conditions for pathogen destruction and turned windrow composting, the pile needs to be turned 5 times within a 15-day period and the pile temperatures need to be sustained at 131 degrees F (or higher) throughout that period.

Examples of labor-intensive (and expensive) turning methods:

ASP composting, on the other hand, eliminates the time and cost of turning windrows and the odors omitted by the pile are mild by comparison because we use a cover layer of finished compost which serves as a biofilter. The biofilter cover also eliminates access to the raw compost mix by flies, birds, rodents, and larger wildlife. ASP composting is considered to be a Best Management Practice and results in a higher quality compost in considerably less time.

To meet temperature conditions for pathogen destruction with ASP composting, the temperatures need to reach 131 degrees F (or higher) for only 3 days, and no pile turning is necessary. Simply set up the aeration equipment, create your pile, set the timer, and monitor temperatures with a temperature probe. 

With ASP composting, you will achieve superior results year round and expend less time, energy, and expense in the process.


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