
Fall 2015 

Newsletter Paragon

Winter is Coming!

If you already own an O2Compost System, now is the time to test it and make sure that everything is operating as intended.  If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at your earliest convenience and we’ll be happy to help you out before the cold weather arrives. 


With your O2Compost Training Program, you purchased Unlimited Technical Support.  We mean this quite literally – please take full advantage of it.  We want your system running perfectly throughout the winter months ahead.

Southern California to Florida

If you do not yet own an O2Compost System and you live in one of the southern states, now is the perfect time to build your system and get it up and running before the summer heat returns.  We will be offering a free training class in Florida in late January / early February – take a look at “Coming Events”.

Montana to Maine

If you do not yet own an O2Compost System and you live in one of the northern states, now is the perfect time to design your compost system and secure a contractor to build it for you when the construction season returns next spring. Contractors use the winter months to bid jobs and plan for their year ahead.  Why not get on their list when they are inclined to bid more aggressively.

Winter Webinar Series

O2Compost will also be hosting a series of webinars throughout the winter months.  We will notify you when these are scheduled and hope that you can join us from the comfort of your own home.

Return on Investment
What is the Return on Investment of an O2Compost System?

When I talk with people who are considering an O2Compost System, I am often asked the question, “What’s the return on investment?” In this case, I have to answer a question with a question by asking “How much is it currently costing you to not be composting?” 

There are a lot of factors to consider in answering the ROI question.  Let’s start with a few of the hard costs associated with manure management:

Are You Currently Paying for Off-Site Disposal?

If you are incurring a hard cost of off-site disposal, then it’s a simple matter of dividing the cost of a new compost system by the monthly disposal fee.  For example, if it costs $15,000 to construct a 3-bin system and you pay $500/month in disposal fees, then your break-even is 30 months.  On a horse farm, the compost system is one of the few opportunities to save money.

Do You Plan on Selling Your Compost?

Let’s say this same compost system generates 15 cubic yards (cy) per month of finished compost and you are able to sell it for $22/cy.  Then your overall savings per month will be $500 + $330 = $830 and your break-even becomes 18 months.  After 18 months, there will be a net gain of $830 to the revenue stream.

Are You Currently Turning Windrows?

If you are currently turning compost piles with your front-end loader, consider the amount of money that you are spending on fuel, equipment maintenance and your time.  (I’ll let you do the math).

Pathogens, Parasites and Your Horse Health

In addition to the measurable costs associated with manure management, there are many other benefits that can be indirectly related to the cost of operating a farm.

Are pathogens and parasites a problem on your farm and how much money are you spending to maintain your horses’ health?  Given that the heat derived in the composting process effectively destroys pathogens and parasites, your horses’ health will only improve and your vet bill will decrease with composting.

Flies, Rodents & Birds

Are flies, rodents and birds a nuisance? There may be a hard cost in trying to manage these vectors but, for people visiting the farm, these are factors that negatively affect the quality of the farm experience.  In addition to being an annoyance to your horses, flies also represent a health issue that needs to be considered. An O2Compost System will resolve all of these issues.

Odors and Neighbor Complaints

One of the benefits that we often hear about from our clients after they install one of our compost systems is the lack of odor emanating from the “manure pile” and the decrease in complaints from neighbors.  All organic materials produce some odor, but with aerated composting the off-gases are very mild and the ammonia is retained in the cover layer that is placed over the raw manure.  As a result, there is virtually no odor at the property boundary.

Weed Seeds

Most horse feed includes a wide variety of weed seeds that pass through the horse and end up in the pasture.  One way to deal with weeds is to use a broad leaf herbicide but, as you would expect, there is a cost of time and money associated with weed management.  Composting resolves this cost impact – the heat in the aerated compost pile is high enough to render weed seeds harmless (i.e., non-viable).

The Aesthetics of the Farm

If you are operating a stable, renting out stalls and providing partial or full-care services, the aesthetics of your farm will likely affect the monthly fees that you are able to command.  Your aesthetics will also determine (in part) your competitive advantage over other stables in your area.  A compost system will help you maximize your aesthetic appeal – a dumpster out in front of your barn will not.

Environmental Compliance

Do you have a manure pile “out behind the barn” and if so, is it draining compost leachate into the groundwater or local streams?  There is no real dollar cost associated with this type of pollution, but there is a cost to the environment.  If this is the case, be prepared to receive a call one day from your county surface water department or local conservation district asking you to resolve the issue.  Not often, but on occasion there are penalties to pay if the problem is serious.  This problem is quite solvable with an O2Compost System.

Given all of these variables, I can now turn the question around to you and ask, “What’s your Return on Investing in an O2Compost System?”

"Peels and Wheels Compost" Program

New Haven Farms in Connecticut is a nonprofit organization taking action to impact the health and development of their community through urban agriculture.

New Haven Farms was founded in 2012 to respond to these intersecting crises of diabetes, obesity, environmental degradation, and poverty by promoting health and community development through urban agriculture.  New Haven Farms fulfills its mission by transforming vacant dilapidated urban spaces into small organic farms in New Haven’s poorest neighborhoods.

The Peels & Wheels Compost Program is a neighborhood-scale pilot program that composts household food waste for residents who want to compost but can’t or don’t have the means to do so. Using bikes, bins, and trailers, they pick up your kitchen scraps and other biodegradable materials from local residences, coffee shops and schools, and take them to the Phoenix Press Farm for composting, utilizing the O2Compost Micro-Bin System.
Prior to starting their compost program, New Haven Farms purchased compost and soil for their seven farms, spending upwards of $8,000 per year.  Now, approximately 60 residents each pay $30 per month to have their food waste collected and taken to the farm for composting.  In their first year of operation, they have composted an estimated 16 tons of organic waste and utilized the compost for growing high quality vegetables for intercity consumers.


Mr. Domingo Medina is the inspiration behind this on-site composting effort.  With limited funds and unlimited passion, Domingo has constructed a solar powered 3-bin compost system.  There have been no problems with odors, flies or rodents and with the success of this project, New Haven Farms has a long range plan to expand their composting to process an estimated 300 tons per year. 
Domingo is also working with the New Haven Land Trust to supply compost for 56 urban gardens and farms.

Learn more. Visit www.newhavenfarms.org.

Frequently Asked Question

"Can you describe how the machined pile turning happens without damaging the aeration pipes?"

ANSWER:  O2Compost systems do not need to be turned. We manage the composting process by adjusting the rate of aeration into the pile, using pile temperature as a primary metric. By maintaining the aerobic conditions throughout the pile, we optimize the biology of the system which, in turn, enables us to: 1) destroy pathogens, parasites and weed seeds; 2) mitigate impacts from offensive odors; 3) negate problems with vectors (i.e. flies, rodents, birds, etc.); and 4) expedite the composting process. Again, all of this is done without turning the compost pile.

A New Compost Systems Come On-Line

Taylor Newsletter


OWNER:  Bob and Kim Taylor

LOCATION:  Newberg, Oregon

Customer Feedback:  "Peter Moon and his team at O2Compost have been exceptional in their support and knowledge of the ASP application. They are experts in this area and have been professional and enjoyable to work with."

More info on O2Compost project page.


Bourbeau Newsletter


OWNER:  Mireille Bourbeau

LOCATION:  Dunham, Quebec, Canada

Customer Feedback:  "We think you are a serious and devoted company and we appreciate your help in answering all our questions! I would refer you to anyone willing to invest in an environmental business. I am very satisfied with the compost!"

More info on O2Compost project page.



Evenson Newsletter


OWNERS:  David & Megan Evenson

LOCATION:  Clatskanie, Oregon

Customer Feedback:  "I look forward to being able to utilize our own weed-free manure, savings us a lot of time and money. The best thing so far is that I have a much easier time dumping the manure. Now all I do is tip it over the edge of the concrete wall and I am done!"

More info on O2Compost project page.

Coming Events

January, 2016 - To Be Determined
Day-Long Composting Workshop
 Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida

January 25-28, 2016
US Composting Council Conference
 Jacksonville, Florida
For more information, visit compostingcouncil.org/compost2015/


Protecting Our Land, Air and Water Resources

Price-Moon Enterprises, Inc.
PO Box 1026
Snohomish, WA 98291

Phone:  360-568-8085
Email:   info@o2compost.com


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