Newsletter February 2014
Visit Our New Website: O2Compost.com
At long last, our new website is up and running. Please take a moment to visit: o2compost.com. I think that you will be please with what you see. In the weeks ahead, keep an eye on our website as we continue to incorporate new features, including: a log-in page; a shopping cart feature; a forum for open discussion; and special offers.
Our objective with this new website is to provide a complete range of information about composting for all sectors of the organics recycling industry: Agricultural, Municipal, Institutional and Industrial. We have designed over 1,000 aerated compost systems to date for all varieties of organic “wastes” and all scales of operation. Our goal is to convert our collective thinking from “Organic Waste Problem” to “Natural Resource Opportunity”.
You can make a difference by forwarding the above link to your friends, family and business associates so that they too can learn about composting as a sustainable waste management strategy. Don’t be bashful – you can also send our link to your local politicians, the city public works department, university sustainability coordinators, and your county conservation distric.
We have only just begun to get the word out - any help that you can provide is much appreciated. Also, we could very much appreciate any comments you would care to offer.
Can You Recover Heat From a Compost Pile? Yes!

This is a question that I get all the time, especially during the cold winter months. The answer is most definitely “Yes”.
One of our clients – Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture in Tarrytown, New York – collects heat that is generated in one of our Micro-Bins. They circulate water through black plastic tubing that they have buried in the compost pile. The heated water is circulated from the bin into an adjoining greenhouse and serves to heat their many seed trays to stimulate germination throughout the winter months.
AgriLabs, a company in Vermont, specializes in providing heat recovery systems. To learn more about the services they offer and heat recovery in general, I encourage you to watch this VIDEO. |

Composting at the Community Level
Over the years, O2Compost has been involved with many urban farm compost systems (refer to our May 2013 Newsletter for an example of rooftop farming in New York City).
In 2013, we provided concept designs for a community-based compost system in Ohio, wherein 8 to 10 decentralized aerated compost systems would be located in residential neighborhoods. Participating neighbors would place their food waste (contained in compostable plastic bags) in animal proof receptacles. A designated “Composter” would travel weekly between these sites, prepare the compost mix (food waste plus shredded tree trimmings), load the bins and monitor the process. The finished compost would then be made available to the participants. The idea of doing this is to: 1) create a better connection between the wastes each of us generates; 2) reduce waste disposal at distant landfills; and 3) “Keep It Local”.
East Side Compost Pedallers in Austin, Texas has a different “spin” on the urbanization of collecting and composting food waste.
Through a subscription network that they have developed in neighborhoods in and surrounding Austin, they ride specially designed cargo bicycles from home to home and business to business to collect source separated organics. These “SSO’s” are delivered to numerous urban farms for on-site composting.
To learn more about this creative approach to collecting food waste, watch their VIDEO and visit their WEBSITE.
A New Compost System Comes On-Line |
OWNER: B. Woelk
LOCATION: Yelm, Washington
13 horses on sawdust bedding
The finished compost is spread onto the pastures.
Past Event - Recorded Webinar
December 5th, 2013 - On-Campus Composting Using the ASP Method
As part of their “Food Recovery Challenge” the US Environmental Protection Agency hosted a webinar on food waste composting. Peter Moon, President of O2Compost was a featured speaker at this event. To view a recording of this webinar, and learn more about institutional composting, click here: http://esrconline.org/webinars/composting-strategies-colleges-universities/
Upcoming Events
March 6 and 7, 2014 Intermountain Sustainability Summit 2014 - Weber State University - Ogden Utah Peter Moon, President of O2Compost, will be conducting an all-day workshop on aerated composting in an urban environment. Go HERE to learn more.
April 16-19, 2014 ASP Hands-On Workshop -Snohomish, Washington This 3-day event bridges the gap between the classroom and the field. Our motto: "Seeing is Believing but Doing is Understanding".
For more information about how this hands-on workshop will transform your approach to composting, view our EVENT FLIER. Register soon. Space is limited to eight (8) participants. |
Protecting Our Land, Air and Water Resources
O2Compost Price-Moon Enterprises, Inc. PO Box 1026 Snohomish, WA 98291
Phone: 360-568-8085 Email: info@o2compost.com
